
Operations Manual

1. Select competent, mature operators, capable of understanding the function, use, and control of amusement rides.
2. Each operator shall be instructed in the proper use and function of the ride. As a minimum, the operator should be instructed in the following topics:
A. Controls and procedures for normal and emergency operation
B. Speed – 55 mph
C. Manufacture’s recommended time length of ride time – 4 minutes
D. Loading procedures
E. Special conditions as related to weather
F. Each operator must have immediate availability of the operation manual
3. Each operator shall be required to inspect the ride prior to operation. The operator should:
A. Determine that no portion of the ride is damaged, missing or worn. In such a matter that it is unsafe, or that can develop into an unsafe condition
B. Notify owner or maintenance personnel of any irregularities
C. Not operate the ride until conditions are corrected, if irregularities are found.
4. Instruct operators to obey and follow rider requirements.
5. Operators and attendants should be instructed on the proper loading procedures for the ride.
6. Operators shall be required to remain at the control of the ride during the ride cycle.
7. Only trained operators are permitted to operate the ride.
8. Operators are to be instructed that the manufacturer installed safety systems and devices cannot be removed and must remain operational.
9. Operators shall be required to run at least one test cycle (per instructions contained in this manual) each day prior to operating the ride with customers.

1. The Screamer is a permanent amusement ride. Speed and direction of rotations inputs are fed to the controller via a joystick on the operator’s consolet. Braking or deceleration is provided regeneratively using the electric motor.  The term “regenerative” describes the ability of the controller, under braking conditions, to convert the mechanical (kinetic) energy of the rotating propellers and riders into electric energy. After the ride stops, a pair of spring-applied/pneumatically-released disc brakes are set that act as a parking brake. These brakes are always set while participants are being loaded and unloaded and while the platform is out of its stowed position.
Operation and control Description
A. Service Disconnect/Power Distribution Box- The electric power supplied to the ride begins at the service disconnect. This disconnect is in the “OFF” position, all power to the motor controller and to the ride will be turned off. Prior to servicing or repairing the ride, this power source should be locked out as required by OSHA CFR 1910.147. Failure to de-energize the ride according to OSHA CFR 1910.147 could result in serious injury or death to mechanics or operators.
B. Voltage- 460 VAC is the correct voltage that the motor controller requires and the transformer. When the service disconnect is turned to the on “ON” position, power is supplied to the motor controller which then supplies the voltage directly to the motor controller.
C. Motor Controller Enclosure- A disconnect (mounted inside the motor controller  that is turned off by  handle mounted to the outside of the enclosure)controls the power supplied to the motor controller. The “brains” of the motor controller are contained inside the motor controller enclosure. The motor’s maximum and minimum speed as well as the acceleration and deceleration are all controlled by the motor controller.
D. Consolet- the consolet is the enclosure that houses all ride controls that the operator uses. The Operator Presence and Platform Safety Switches route directly to the consolet. The consolet is connected to the motor controller via an electrical conduit and/or a flexible multi conductor power cable.
E. Key Switch- The key switch allows an operator with the correct key to operate the ride, without the correct key the ride cannot be operated.
F. Power Indicator Light- The amber light is illuminated after the power is supplied to the motor controller and the key switch on the consolet is rotated clockwise to its “ON” position.
G. Emergency Stop Button/Holding Brake- This button, when pressed, disconnects the motor controller which stops driving the motor. In addition, when this button is pressed, the emergency brake/holding brake engages, bringing the ride to a halt within 360 degrees of rotation. This button must be pressed when participants are being loaded and unloaded. The button maintains its position after it had been pressed and must be rotated clockwise 30 degrees in order to release it. The platform cannot be operated if this button has not been pressed.
H. Operator Presence Switch- This switch is a foot switch that must be depressed in order for the ride to run. Releasing the switch while the ride is in motion will result in an outcome similar to that of pressing the emergency stop button. This switch must have constant pressure in order for the ride to operate.
I. Platform Safety Switch- This switch is activated by the loading platform when the platform is safely out of the path of the motion of the ride. The ride can only operate when the loading platform is correctly stowed and the switch is depressed.
J. Brake Release Switch- The pneumatic switch senses that the pneumatic brake is released. When the emergency stop button is released, power is sent to a solenoid valve that directs air pressure to release the backup brake. If the air supply fails and the brake circuit loses pressure then the motor control is interrupted. If the brake will not release for any reason then the motor cannot start.
K. Joystick- The joystick is used for controlling the direction of the rotation and the speed of the ride. When moved from its spring-centered “off” position, it sends a voltage signal to the motor controller.
L. Low Air Pressure Indicator Light- This indicator light is illuminated whenever the supply of air pressure drops below 80 psi. The ride must have at least 80 psi or the ride will not start.
M. Restraint System- The Screamer restraint system utilizes hardware and nylon webbing similar to that used in the military and sport parachuting industry. The basic restraint system for each passenger is double redundant and includes a crotch strap that prevents the passengers from sliding out beneath the shoulder and waist straps. Each passenger uses two identical and independent seatbelts. Each seatbelt is similar to a standard automobile seatbelt. The seatbelts begin at the shoulder and cross the chest before making their way back across the waist. The 5000 lb. braking strength webbing used in the seatbelt is attached across the waist with a forged butterfly snap link on one side and a friction adapter on the other. This friction adapter is used to tighten the seatbelt once the butterfly snap link is attached to a D-ring. All other hardware utilized in the seatbelt restraint system has a braking strength in excess of 2000 lbs.
Daily Operations Inspection
Inspect all items referenced in the Maintenance Procedures section of the Operation and Maintenance Manual prior to the pre-operation test or commercial operation.
Pre-operation Test
Walk the perimeter of the ride to ensure that tools or personnel are not in the path of operation
Service Disconnect/Main Power Distribution Box t “ON” position
Rotate power shut-off handle on Motor Controller Enclosure clockwise to “ON” position. (The main contractor should produce a loud noise inside the enclosure and the enclosure fan should start to operate.)
Turn key switch to “ON” position (amber indicator light should now be illuminated)
Platform should be moved to “stowed” position depressing Platform Safety Switch (for hydraulic raised platform, platform is pushed against Limit Switch)
Emergency Stop Button to the “released” position.
Operator Presence Switch should be depressed

The Screamer does not utilize age as a factor in rider restrictions

The minimum height requirement for rider is 48 inches. Currently there is no maximum height designation.

Physical and mental conditions…
Riders must be in good physical and mental condition, specifically not impaired by drugs and/or alcohol. Riders must not have any physical conditions which would disqualify them from riding. Examples of these conditions include, but are not limited to, heart conditions, back, neck or bone injuries, casts, slings, or pregnancy.

Currently there is no individual weight requirement for riders; however the maximum total weight for 1 passenger carrier (2 seating positions) is not to exceed 500 lbs.
(See Appendix H for qualifications)

Manufacturer Recommended Ride Duration
The manufacture’s recommended ride duration is to be 3 ½ rotations in the clockwise direction and 3 ½ rotations in the counterclockwise direction. The recommended ride durations is not to exceed 60 seconds. The maximum number of revolutions per 60 seconds is not to exceed 10.
Recommended Balancing of Passenger Loading/Unloading
The manufacturer does not require any special procedures regarding the loading or unloading of passengers essential to the proper operation of the ride.
Environmental Restrictions
The ride should not be operated if any of the following weather conditions develop:
 Severe wind- If wind speeds are measured at 30 mph or higher at the engine deck location, the ride should not be operated. If winds in excess of 70 mph are expected the manufacturer requires that the ride chairs be removed and the props be parked in the horizontal position.
 Temperature- If ambient temperatures reach 32 degrees Fahrenheit or lower the ride should not be operated.
 Precipitation- Do not operate during rainstorms,
 Lightening- Do not operate during electrical storms, or when electrical storms are expected.

Operation Control Guidelines
Using the joystick bring one of the two chairs to the loading position over the loading area. This chair should always be stopped slightly counterclockwise from the 6 o’clock position. When the rotation of the ride has stopped, press the Stop button and remove your foot from the Operator Presence Switch.
After the ride has stopped and the brake is set, move the loading platform beneath the chair.
Load the chair with riders, lock them in, and check their restraints. Swing chair slightly to ensure it is free to rotate.

Check the nitrogen pressure in the propeller before each ride. It should be at least 15-25 psi.
At the start of each day when the first chair is loaded with passengers, there will be no passengers on the chair that is at the top of the ride. Because the maximum torque or power of the system is limited to a level that will insure maximum years of service the system might not be able to generate enough torque to propel the loaded chair from the ground directly to the top.
After a maximum of 3 ½ rotations, bring the ride to a stop with the chair full of riders at the 12 o’clock position. After the brake has set, move the loading platform beneath the chair. Load another pair of passengers into the chair that is at the 6 o’clock position. At this point, you can continue operating the ride like this indefinitely.
Repeat the above operations making sure to alternate directions of rotation each time after loading new riders. The newly loaded passengers should always begin their ride going forward.

For the last cycle of the day there will be no riders at the bottom position and there will be riders at the top in the holding position.
After the final ride, release the riders from their restraints and lower platform. Press the Stop Button and turn the Key Switch to “OFF”. Remove the key lock, shut off power to the motor controller. Turn prop lights off and turn chair beacon lights on.


The ride is ready for routine operations when a qualified employee has inspected the ride and the ride has been prepared for operations.


There are two positions that must be staffed to operate the ride. A minimum of two people should be assigned to the following positions:
A) Controls Operator (CO): This employee operates the ride controls, is primarily responsible for ride operations, and helps harness and unharness customers.
B) Ground Crew Member (GCM): This employee greets waiting customers, prepares them for their ride, and harnesses and unharnesses customers.
Warning!     High Activity Sport.
Remove all loose articles from your person, i.e. sunglasses, jewelry, loose shoes, etc.
Do not participate if any of the following apply:
- You are under 48” tall
-You are pregnant
- Have had neck or back problems
- A recent illness/injury
-Recent surgery
- Broken bones (no cast, no slings)
-Any other physical, medical or mental conditions
- If under the influence of drugs or alcohol

The GCM must be attentive to whether or not the customer can ride. The cashier must verify that no customers are wearing a cast, a sling, a neck or back brace or any other aid indicating a condition that would disqualify a customer from being able to ride. If  customer mentions being pregnant, is obviously suffering from an illness or body pain, is incoherent, appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the cashier is responsible to inform that customer that he/she CANNOT ride.

If a customer appears to be less than 48” tall, the cashier must instruct that customer to stand next to the 48” sign to determine if that customer is able to ride. If the customer is less than 48” tall, the customer cannot ride the Screamer.

The GCM needs to be attentive to what is happening around the ride. If disputes arise in the queue line, if customers appear to be damaging ride property, if spectators are throwing objects at the riding customers, or if anything else out of the ordinary occurs, the GCM must inform the controls operator immediately. The GCM is the ride’s first line of defense against unsafe conditions.

The controls operator (CO) must insure that the customers stay behind the barrier and away from the entrance gate until the ride has stopped and the controls operator unhooks the gate for the customer’s entrance.
The CO is primarily responsible for the safe operation of the Screamer. The CO must remain alert to any potential disturbance or unsafe circumstances happening with the customers on the ride or spectators standing around the ride.


Only when the gate behind the exiting passengers is closed, all ground crew members are behind the entrance gate with that gate closed, and all customers in the queue are behind the barrier, may the CO put the ride into motion.


The CO is the ride’s second line of defense against unsafe conditions. The CO must remain alert to all conditions that may disqualify a customer from the opportunity to ride. The CO must inspect and verify that no customer is wearing a cast, a sling, a neck or back brace or any other aid indicating a condition that would disqualify a customer from the right to rife. If a customer mentions being pregnant, is obviously suffering from an illness or body pain, is incoherent or appears intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, the controls operator is responsible to inform that customer he/she may not ride.
If a customer appears to be less than 48” tall the controls operator must instruct that customer to stand next to the 48” sign to determine if that customer is able to ride. If the customer is less than 48” tall, the customer cannot ride the Skyscraper.

IMPORTANT! No loose articles may be taken into the ride area which includes cell phones, cameras, etc.  The controls operator is primarily responsible that the following items not be brought inside the fenced ride area: hats, glasses, purses,, stuffed animals, or other hand-held objects such as cell phones, cameras etc.  If loose fitting shows (thongs, penny loafers, high heel, etc.) are worn by customers as they approach to board the passenger vehicle, ask them to remove their shoes and place them on the loading platform. The controls operator is responsible to insure that shoes cannot fly off during the ride. Fly shoes can potentially cause serious injury to spectators and ride operators.

The controls operator is responsible to insure that all customers are safely harnessed. After the ride has come to a halt and the Stop Button has been pressed, move the loading platform into position. Escort the new passengers to one side of the ride-loading platform. Approach chair and unharness customers. Watch for ill side effects such as fainting, light-headedness or any other complaints if there is a complaint as the customer is he feels OK to step down. Help every customer off the ride if they make any complaint or appear to be motion sick in any way. Help prevent customer injury by offering your hand for support as they step out of the chair and walk down the stairs.

After unharnessing customers and assisting them off the platform, walk over and beckon the new passengers on board. Ask the customers to sit all the way back into the seats. Place the left hand side waist and shoulder harness over the customer and connect the D-ring to the proper butterfly snap. Tighten the belt. Repeat for the right side waist and shoulder harness. First left, then right. The belt material must never twist except at the D-ring. It’s OK to push into the waist pads to tighten the harnesses. Finally, attach the crotch strap by inserting the make sitting into the housing. This strap should be slightly loose. Be careful not to touch any customer above or below the waist pads. Protect customer privacy and act courteously. After the controls operator harnesses both customers, or when the controls operator and ground crew member both finishing harnessing the customers, the harnessing must be double checked. The two ride operators (CO and GCM) shall check each other’s work to ensure that the customers are properly secure. The operators shall insure that the customers are not in possession of any loose articles that may fall or fall off during the ride cycle. Either operator then instructs the customers to enjoy their ride.
Note: The operators shall check the nitrogen in the sweep section via the gauge located above the chair. The pressure should be between 15 to 25 psi. If the pressure drops below 15 psi or if a rapid pressure loss occurs (5 psi over 1 hour) the ride shall be shut down immediately and maintenance / Brian Nichols must be contacted.
     Note: If any customer’s size makes it impossible to securely fasten them with the harness, the controls operator must inform that they will be unable to ride. Be as discrete as possible in communicating this to the customer, and make no comment to other customers or operators regarding the situation. Also =, if a large person does ride and happens to be wearing a slick jacket made of nylon or other slippery material, politely ask that customer to remove the jacket. While the harness will hold any customer, the harness can slip up a sloping abdomen, loosen slightly and scare the customer.
Customers generally enjoy talking with the ride operators, as they are very excited about the ride, they are about the experience. It helps them to better enjoy their experience if they are asked their name, how they feel, if they have ridden before, etc.

The controls operator is responsible to see that the loading platform is secured out of the way.

The controls operator make certain that the exiting passengers close the exit gate behind them, no one is inside the fenced area, all customers are behind the barrier, and the ground crew member is safely out of the way before putting the ride in motion.

The controls operator then steps on the Operator Presence Switch and releases the Stop Button. He then moves the joystick in the direction he wants the ride to rotate. It is OK to push the joystick quickly to the maximum speed (fully clockwise or counterclockwise) because the acceleration and deceleration are programmed into the motor controller and the ride cannot accelerate faster or slower then what has been programmed.

When the ride is in motion, the controls operator is responsible to watch for any possible safety issues, such as rider waving for the ride to stop, riders losing shoes or other loose articles, spectators throwing objects at the riders, or any other unusual situations.  The controls operator must remain attentive to the development of any unusual circumstances.

When the ride cycle is over, the controls operator either releases two customers in the queue for the next ride, or signals the ground crew member that it is safe to walk onto the platform with two new waiting customers. The above ride procedure repeats.

A ground crew member (GCM) helps controls operator in the efficient loading and unloading of customers. The GMC stands behind the closed entrance gate while the ride is in operation. When the ride begins its deceleration, the GCM  unhooks the queue rope and allows one or two customer s to pass, while standing in front of the entrance gate. Under no circumstances may a customer open the entrance gate, and under no circumstances may the entrance gate be opened until the CO gives the OK that the ride has stopped. The platform must also be in the loading position before anyone opens the entrance gate. The GCM must remain alert to any conditions that may disqualify a customer the right to the ride. The GCM must inspect and verify that no customer is wearing a cast, a sling, a neck or back brace or any other aid indicating a condition that would disqualify a customer the right to ride. If a customer mentions being pregnant, is obviously suffering from an illness or body pain, is incoherent, intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol the GCM at this point is responsible to inform that customer that he may not ride.
If a customer appears to be less than 48” tall, the GCM must instruct that customer to stand next to the 48” sign to determine if that customer is able to ride. If the customer is less than 48” tall, the customer cannot ride the Skyscraper.
IMPORTANT! No loose articles may be taken into the ride area. The GCM is responsible, along with the CO, that the following items not be brought inside the fenced ride area: hats, glasses, purses, stuffed animals or other hand-held objects such as cell phones, cameras etc.  If loose-fitting shoes (thongs, penny loafers, high heels, etc) are worn by customers as they approach to board the passenger vehicle, ask them to remove their shoes. The GCM is responsible, along with the CO, to insure that shoes cannot fly off during the ride.  Flying shoes can potentially cause serious injury to spectators and ride operators.

The GCM and CO are responsible to insure that all customers are safely harnessed. Move the loading platform until it rests beneath the chair. Escort the new passengers to one side of the ride loading platform. Approach the chair, and unharness customers. Watch for ill side effects such as fainting, light-headedness or any other complaint or appear to be motion sick in any way. Help prevent customer injury by offering your hand for support as they step out of the chair and down the platform.
After unharnessing customer and assisting them off the platform, walk over and beckon the new passengers on board. Ask the customers to sit all the way back into the seats. Place the left hand side waist and shoulder harness over the customer and connect the D-ring to the proper butterfly snap. Tighten the belt. Repeat for the right side waist and shoulder harness. First left, then right. The belt material must never twist except at the D-ring. It is OK to push into the waist pads to tighten the harnesses. Finally, attach the crotch strap by inserting the male fitting into the housing. This strap should be slightly loose. Be careful not to touch any customer above or below the waist pads. Protect customer privacy, and act courteously. After the controls operator harnesses both customers, or when the controls operator and ground crew member both finish harnessing the customers, the harnessing must be double checked. The two ride operators (CO and GCM) shall check each other’s work to insure that the customers are properly secured. Each employee must tug at both harnesses of both customers to ensure that they are tight and secure. The operators shall insure that the customers are not in possession of any loose articles that may fall or fall off during the ride cycle. Either operator then instructs the customers to enjoy their ride.
Note: The operators shall check the nitrogen in the sweep section via the gauge located above the chair. The pressure should be between 15 to 25 psi. If the pressure drops below 15 psi or if a rapid pressure loss occurs (5 psi over 1 hour) the ride shall be shut down immediately and Maintenance/Brian Nichols must be contacted.

    Note: If any customer’s size makes it impossible to securely fasten them with the harness, the controls operator must inform that customer that they will be unable to ride. Be as discrete as possible in communicating this to the customer, and make no comment to other customers or operators regarding the situation. Also, if a large person does ride and happens to be wearing a slick jacket made of nylon or other slippery material, politely ask that customer to remove the jacket. While the harness will hold any customer, the harness can slip up a sloping abdomen, loosen slightly and scare the customer.